The interpreter is currently in line 40
The interpreter is currently in line 53
The interpreter is currently in line 69
The interpreter is currently in line 81
The interpreter is currently in line 93
The interpreter is currently in line 103
The interpreter is currently in line 111
The interpreter is currently in line 118
easySQL Example 5 (MySQL) Array ( [create_mysql] => [create_sqlite] => [insert_mysql] => 381 [insert_sqlite] => 0 [update_mysql] => 1 [update_sqlite] => 1 [select_mysql] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 1 [id] => 1 [1] => John Doe 9838 [username] => John Doe 9838 [2] => nC/wiQDCwGwwDr71H045xmi9hsiDR6Y4FQAK93Rhn0o.0/.cmzU6pAV0RbNdOGzQdyPvxPgDrSup1wQE4HbzC. [password] => nC/wiQDCwGwwDr71H045xmi9hsiDR6Y4FQAK93Rhn0o.0/.cmzU6pAV0RbNdOGzQdyPvxPgDrSup1wQE4HbzC. [3] => 3914c095a4f397fdb0abf9ed38c3a5ceeaaf4cc3b57435ee [emailadr] => 3914c095a4f397fdb0abf9ed38c3a5ceeaaf4cc3b57435ee [4] => 1353532293 [timestam] => 1353532293 [5] => 1 [vcounter] => 1 [6] => 8vl5htfnd5h7c1n8hseuvtkt4mi99sn0miebjsq2gs4l1vprtbvb6onhdu2k5vt9kvb7an9lruq2ec31365jvmsa5fq1sh18glli661 [sessioni] => 8vl5htfnd5h7c1n8hseuvtkt4mi99sn0miebjsq2gs4l1vprtbvb6onhdu2k5vt9kvb7an9lruq2ec31365jvmsa5fq1sh18glli661 ) ) [select_sqlite] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => 1 [id] => 1 [1] => John Doe 49781 [username] => John Doe 49781 [2] => ruVjdWniwpK0FjbSc5IrXOh9yMif0nMZwiolgDn1IwWKRkWc6xucFszw04SmGho06E68p/lNrzMZuXqlsiGRg/ [password] => ruVjdWniwpK0FjbSc5IrXOh9yMif0nMZwiolgDn1IwWKRkWc6xucFszw04SmGho06E68p/lNrzMZuXqlsiGRg/ [3] => 3914c095a4f397fd47f807ab12dcc6cb83ee475d2f5d2906 [emailadr] => 3914c095a4f397fd47f807ab12dcc6cb83ee475d2f5d2906 [4] => 1349054961 [timestam] => 1349054961 [5] => 338 [vcounter] => 338 [6] => k5eceveea663b6836pf6bsd8bqdjrnreitoj3g9olgk97pg8g83b11rtgifs907it5f5hcqklc6tqg69c5ob8u8jkq8v0j2vi2fo6p0 [sessioni] => k5eceveea663b6836pf6bsd8bqdjrnreitoj3g9olgk97pg8g83b11rtgifs907it5f5hcqklc6tqg69c5ob8u8jkq8v0j2vi2fo6p0 ) ) ) The interpreter is currently in line 156
Array The interpreter is currently in line 158
create_mysql = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
create_sqlite = d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e
insert_mysql = 00ec53c4682d36f5c4359f4ae7bd7ba1
insert_sqlite = cfcd208495d565ef66e7dff9f98764da
update_mysql = c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b
update_sqlite = c4ca4238a0b923820dcc509a6f75849b
select_mysql = f39e83ab72b4f757777163133a4fa347
select_sqlite = 9bdc348b7a9ab6f2db78b7b425ac897a