1. RT @hblodget : Groans of pain from Romney RT @businessinsider : UNEMPLOYMENT RATE FALLS TO 7.8% http://read.bi/PeypIZ
  2. RT @mediaguardian : Brazilian newspaper goes online only http://gu.com/p/3aqqk/tf
  3. @bluebrain nothing
  4. Al strikes again RT @brianstelter : What was the lowest-rated channel with the debate last night? Current TV, with about 100,000 viewers.
  5. RT @jjn1 : Wow! Population of Facebook now bigger than that of India http://tinyurl.com/8n4xbg7
  6. RT @brianstelter : FYI, we're saying the debate "reached more than 70 million" to account for Web streams and out-of-home TV viewers. htt ...
  7. Fuck, no RT @johncgreen : Is @jeffjarvis just another mean spirited liberal gone wild? Can he write a tweet w/o swearing? #romney
  8. RT @AntDeRosa : The inevitable Taiwanese animation of the Presidential Debate http://bit.ly/T49zXC
  9. Romney's pre-existing condition bullshit. #romneylies http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gD799GBIPlg&feature=youtu.be via @ggreeneva
  10. 58 million people saw that last night. #debate
  11. RT @tlupick : Even the Onion couldn't make this up. mt @alansmurray Our latest expansion: WSJ 'Mansion' Section Debuts ...
  12. Who would be left out of Romney's pre-existing condition plan: 89 million Americans. #romneylies http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/ezra-klein/wp/2012/09/10/who-would-be-left-out-of-romneys-preexisting-conditions-plan-about-89-million-americans/
  13. So what Romney said about pre-existing conditions was bullshit: only if you already have coverage. http://www.politico.com/blogs/burns-haberman/2012/10/the-preexisting-conditions-cleanup-137518.html #romneylies
  14. Chris Matthews: "Custer had a secret plan but we'll never know what it is."
  15. Ron Reagan: "Obama didn't show up... Romney lied his ass off." MSNBC #debate
  16. RT @mathewi : uh oh -- Zynga cuts outlook, citing "weakness in certain games," will lose $100 million or so this quarter
  17. *Just* what the country needs right now RT @alansmurray : Our latest expansion: WSJ 'Mansion' Section Makes Its Debut http://on.wsj.com/PBsV5K
  18. Sununu calls the President "lazy." Oy.
  19. On MSNBC, @milbank just blamed Obama for not fact-checking Romney & leaving it to the fact-checkers. #debate
  20. @dansinker http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Adult-Suit-Size-Big-Bird-Sesame-Street-Mascot-Cartoon-Costume-Fancy-Dress-/251073897323?pt=US_Costumes&hash=item3a752ba36b
  21. Mr. Rogers instructs the Senate in the value of public TV: https://plus.google.com/u/1/117665613028757061169/posts/cZJhiEAr2Ej
  22. RT @fondrie : @jeffjarvis It would be appropriate this Halloween to combine the two costumes and go as "Angry Big Bird."
  23. RT @wblau : Video: Jeff Jarvis, being interviewed by British Journalist John Kampfner about the German #Leistungsschutzrecht : ...
  24. Hey, Mitt, pluck this: http://www.ebay.com/itm/New-Adult-Suit-Size-Big-Bird-Sesame-Street-Mascot-Cartoon-Costume-Fancy-Dress-/251073897323?pt=US_Costumes&hash=item3a752ba36b
  25. Wanna bet these will be popular costumes? http://www.walmart.com/search/search-ng.do?search_query=big+bird+costume&ic=16_0&Find=Find&search_constraint=0
  26. Has anyone seen great presentation of fact-checking last night's debate?
  27. Inevitable: Auto-tuned debate. The audio equivalent of a dancing gif. http://www.mediaite.com/online/auto-tuned-presidential-debate-infinitely-more-interesting-than-the-real-thing/ @janinegibson
  28. RT @romenesko : Note sent out today by WSJ managing editor Robert Thompson is being called "the layoffs memo." Read it: http://bit.ly/VAFuUk
  29. Last night was about style, this morning should be about substance, says @dweinberger . "Unwin Mitt." http://www.hyperorg.com/blogger/2012/10/04/social-media-unite-unwin-mitt/
  30. My G+ Hangout about copyright, German auxiliary copyright (link-killing), media models, and more: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NeHhAD4JbuI&feature=youtu.be
  31. RT @ikoudounas : Hangout mit @jeffjarvis zu #UrhR-Fragen im Netz und die Debatte um ein #LSR für Presseverleger in Deutschland: ...
  32. RT @frasermatthew : Internet freedom: Governments and internet firms are wrestling with the rules for free speech online | The Economist ...